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Authenticating with Prodvana

To authenticate your Terraform run with Prodvana you need to provide your Organization's org_slug and a valid Prodvana API Token:

  • org_slug - can be found in your prodvana URL: <org_slug>.<<domain>>
  • api_token - can be created using the pvnctl api-tokens command

These can be passed to the provider block in your Terraform configuration:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    prodvana = {
      source  = "prodvana/prodvana"
      version = "~> 0.1.19"
  required_version = ">= 1.0.0"

variable "api_token" {  
  type = string  

provider "prodvana" {  
  org_slug  = "my-org"  
  api_token = var.api_token  

Then when you run the terraform command you can pass in the api_token variable:

$ terraform apply -var="api_token=<api_token>"

Alternatively, these values can be provided as environment variables PVN_ORG_SLUG and PVN_API_TOKEN.

$ export PVN_ORG_SLUG='my-org'
$ export PVN_API_TOKEN='<api_token>'
$ terraform apply