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Getting Started With Terraform Runner

To use Terraform Runner, you will need the following:

  • A docker image with your Terraform module
  • A Kubernetes Runtime from which to run the Terraform binary

1. Build a Terraform Docker Image

Terraform Runner works by running a Docker image containing your Terraform module, in your own Kubernetes cluster (and namespace) of choice. The Docker image must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have the Terraform binary installed.
  2. Have Prodvana's pvn-wrapper utility installed
    1. This utility is used to support features like storing plan files between plan and apply operations.
  3. Have a shell installed (/bin/sh and /bin/bash both work great).
  4. Contain your Terraform module as well as any other dependencies you need to run your Terraform module
  5. For example, if you are using Terraform to configure GCP resources, your Docker image must have the gcloud CLI installed at a version compatible with the Terraform module you have written.

Here is a simple example of a Dockerfile that meets these requirements:

FROM as pvn-wrapper

FROM hashicorp/terraform:1.5

# copy in the pvn-wrapper binary
COPY --from=pvn-wrapper /pvn-wrapper /bin/pvn-wrapper

COPY . /terraform  # copy your module code into the image

Build and push the docker image to a registry you have linked to Prodvana. We recommend building one image per commit or release, just like you would with Kubernetes services.

2. Prepare a Kubernetes Runtime

Create a Kubernetes Runtime using your cloud provider of choice, as well as a namespace you want Prodvana to run Terraform commands in.

Ensure that your cluster and namespace has the permission necessary to run your Terraform modules. Any combination of the following methods are supported:

  1. Make sure that the cluster default service account has the permission to manage cloud resources on the cloud provider.
  2. Store any prerequisite credentials in one or more Kubernetes secrets.

Your credentials never leave your environment.

Link your Kubernetes Runtime to Prodvana. See Configuring a Runtime.

3. Create a Terraform Runner

Create a Terraform Runner Runtime by defining the following config file:

  name: my-terraform-runner  # replace the name as you wish
      runtime: my-kubernetes-runtime  # replace with the name of your runtime
          namespace: my-namespace  # replace with the name of your namespace you precreated

You may create as many Terraform Runner Runtimes as is appropriate for your use case. For example, you may wish to create different Runtimes pointed at different clusters and/or namespaces with different permissions for the Terraform binary, one for staging and one for production.

Passing Credentials

If you defined your namespace default service account to have the correct permissions already, skip this step.

To pass credentials stored in a Kubernetes secret to Terraform jobs, do one or more of the following:

Use a Dedicated Service Account

If you have a specific Service Account that already has permissions to run Terraform, you can configure Terraform Runner to use it.

  name: my-terraform-runner  # replace the name as you wish
    proxyRuntime: ...  # defined previously
    serviceAccount: my-service-account

Pass Secret as Environment Variable

Assuming you created your Kubernetes secret with a command like:

	cat <<EOF | kubectl -n terraform-runner apply -f /dev/stdin
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: vol-secret
  test_file: a secret

Reference the secret by key in your Terraform Runner config file.

  name: my-terraform-runner  # replace the name as you wish
    proxyRuntime: ...  # defined previously
          secretName: vol-secret
          key: test_file

Mount Secret as a Volume

  name: my-terraform-runner  # replace the name as you wish
    proxyRuntime: ...  # defined previously
    - name: test-vol
          secretName: vol-secret
        mountPath: /testmount

Running Commands Before Terraform Plan/Apply

Depending on your modules, you may need to run commands before terraform plan/terraform apply to set up credentials properly. This can be accomplished by preRun.

  name: my-terraform-runner
    proxyRuntime: ... # defined previously
    - cmd: gcloud auth login ...

preRun commands have access to all the environment variables and mounts you defined.

3. Create an Application and Services

Create an Application(s) and Services for your Terraform modules. An Application should map to a set of environments, while a Service should contain the logically equivalent modules that run in each environment.

  name: infra
  - name: staging
      - runtime: my-terraform-runner
        type: EXTENSION
  - name: production
      - runtime: my-terraform-runner  # can use a different runner here if needed
        type: EXTENSION
    - releaseChannelStable:
        releaseChannel: staging
    - manualApproval: {}

  name: terraform
  application: infra
    image: "{{.Params.Image}}"
    path: "/terraform/{{.Builtins.ReleaseChannel.Name}}"
  - name: image
      defaultTag: my-tag
        containerRegistry: my-registry-name
        imageRepository: my-repository

In the above example, the Terraform Docker image is at my-repository/my-repository-name:my-tag, with two modules inside it: /terraform/staging and /terraform/production.

For more information about how to configure Applications, see Configuring Applications.

For more information about how to configure Services, see Configuring Services.

For the list of parameters that Terraform Runner supports from your Service config file, see Terraform Runner Parameters.