Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
Connect a new Registry
- Create an AWS IAM User and grant it read-only access to the ECR registry. You can do this with the
tool with the following commands:
$ aws iam create-user --user-name prodvana-ecr-readonly
Save the following IAM policy to a file ProdvanaECRReadonly.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
$ aws iam put-user-policy --user-name prodvana-ecr-readonly --policy-name ProdvanaECRReadonly --policy-document file://ProdvanaECRReadonly.json
There are many ways to configure IAM permissions to grant ECR access. You can find more details here. Prodvana's integration requires
in addition to the permissions required for fetching images.
- Generate access credentials (a Key ID and Secret Key pair):
$ aws iam create-access-key --user-name prodvana-ecr-readonly
This command will output an AccessKeyId
and SecretAccessKey
- Now to link the registry in Prodvana:
- Go to your Organization's integration page https://my-demo-organization.runprodvana.com
- Click the "Add Registry" button and select "Amazon ECR" from the dropdown.
- In the pop-up form, fill in the values:
: The name Prodvana will use to reference this registryAccess Key ID
: Use the key ID we generated above.Access Secret Key
: Use the secret key we generated above.Region
: The AWS region where this Registry is located, you can find it in the registry's URL:<AWS Account ID>.dkr.ecr.<Region>.amazonaws.com
- Click "Save"
See Also
Identity and Access Management for Amazon Elastic Container Registry
Updated over 1 year ago