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Prodvana integrates with GitHub to enrich your deployment experience and associate production changes back to your commits.

How it Works

Prodvana integrates with GitHub via a GitHub Application. Open Container labels are added to your Docker image metadata as labels. These labels are used to link the Docker image to the commit hash.

Setting up GitHub Integration

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click on "Integrations".
  3. Click "Connect" under GitHub. This will ask you for your GitHub organization name that you want to connect (this is the part of your repo url after, e.g.$org/$repo). It does not have to be a public organization.

Input your GitHub organization name. For us, this is "prodvana".

  1. The UI will navigate you to GitHub's website to create a new app and give it the right permission to the repos you want to use for deploying.


You can give us read access to all your repos, or only a subset. We do not store any of your repository content, only commit metadata.

  1. You will then be navigated back to Prodvana. Your GitHub is now linked to Prodvana.

Annotating Docker Images with Commit Information

We rely on the following two standard docker labels to figure out which commit your image corresponds to:

org.opencontainers.image.sourceThe GitHub repo path, must be prefixed by ""
org.opencontainers.image.revisionThe commit hash9b25969173f00f1b62468714105dfc48224eceaf

If you build your images on CI, you can define these labels there directly and take advantage of builtin variables. For example, for GitHub Actions:

- uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
          tags: |
  ${{ github.sha }}
          labels: |
            org.opencontainers.image.revision=${{ github.sha }}

Enriched UX

With your GitHub integration enabled and your Docker images properly labeled, you can enjoy richer UX from Prodvana.

For example, as part of selecting an image to deploy, you will see the commit hash and message in the UI to give you more context about what you are selecting.

Prodvana also gives a commits view to allow you to easily check if your commit is out and to which Release Channel.